A segment from a U.S. Air Force film follows a single flight by then-Major Charles “Chuck” Yeager. Before Yeager and Air Force test pilots Albert Boyd and H.E. “Tom” Collins put the MiG-15 through its paces, technicians inspected it for signs of sabotage and determined it was safe. The...
Chuck Yeager retraced history in the skies -- 65 years to the minute -- as the first test pilot to break the sound barrier.
Source: Chuck Yeager retraces history in the sky, breaking the sound barrier -- again - CNN.com
Chuck Yeager retraced history on Sunday, 65 years to the minute,...
The plane that broke the sound barrier can be an object on your subsonic desk
Source: Soon You'll Be Able to 3D Print Chuck Yeager's Supersonic X-1
The Smithsonian's 3D printing project is an effort to scan the museum's vast collection and make it printable at home. Now, one of the...