“Flier Bags 5 Nazi Planes To Vindicate Ike’s Ruling”
A ruling by Gen. Eisenhower last July cancelling the orders which would have returned 1/Lt. Charles E. Yeager, Mustang pilot from Hamlin, W. Va., to the U.S. after being shot down and wounded in enemy territory and getting back to England proved to be bad news for the Luftwaffe.
The 21-year-old squadron leader, who holds the distinction of having led his group while still holding the rank of flight officer, last Thursday bagged five Messerschmitt 109s over Bremen. Although his original claim was four enemy craft destroyed, the fifth kill was confirmed by other pilots in his squadron who had seen the German plane crash.
Yeager was wounded in action over Berlin last March. recovered, he was determined to seek revenge on the Luftwaffe and went to Eisenhower for permission to return to action.
“I had to go through a lot of channels to see Gen. Ike, ” he related. “I went from one office to anotger and from one high officer to another, until I found myself in front of his desk.”
Yeager’s recent victories brought his official score to seven.